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- █████ Arsenal Cookbook DHHG v1.0
- █████ Religion & Spiritual Section 2
- █████ PATH: \SPIRIT_2
- FACE_GOD.ZIP [0] The Face of God - original Christian poetry
- | in text and GeoWrite 2.0 format.
- FALL.ZIP [0] Bible text on the issue of "falling away"
- FALSHIST.ZIP [0] Some revealing facts for Toronto Vineyard
- | supporters, including evidence that Vineyard
- | spokespersons are not telling you all of what
- | Jonathan Edwards said in his writings. In
- | fact, in context, Edwards condemned the
- | manifestations that are occurring.
- FEMINIST.ZIP [0] Biblical response to feminist agenda.
- FERNVISN.ZIP [0] Vision Of The Afterlife As Told By An Alabama
- | Pastor'S Wife (Revised) Exciting Excellant
- | Reading!
- FIRETYPE.ZIP [0] Learn how FIRE is USED/MISUSED in the Bible.
- FIRSTDAY.ZIP [0] You're First Day In Heaven. What It Will Be
- | Like According To Scripture.
- | Jew's garment was a decorative f statement
- | about the status and importance of God
- | instruct the Israelites to weave into it
- FRONT301.ZIP [0] FRONTLETS - VGA Bible verse screen saver An
- | attractive VGA screen saver with a Bible
- | theme. A different verse appears every 10
- | seconds in LARGE hi-resolution graphics. Sure
- | to draw attention. Includes
- | setup/configuration utility. Version 3.01
- FV.ZIP [0] Easily BROWSE the BIBLE STUDIES from a menu.
- FWZEN.ZIP [0] The Foundations of Wisdom - The Teachings of
- | This is a shareware electronic book of the fi
- | that teach the basic terms and philosophy tha
- | is founded upon. The first 4 chapters cover,
- | define the self, the Path of Wisdom and Nirva
- | includes a dos reader.
- GEN7NT15.ZIP [0] New Testament Bible Study - allows you to
- | study the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
- | John from The New Testament of The Bible.
- GEN7OT15.ZIP [0] Old Testament Bible Study - allows you to
- | study the books of Genisis, Exodus, and
- | Leviticus from the Old Testament of The Bible.
- GENAIDC.ZIP [0] GENESIS (1-11) STUDY AID: A guide to the King
- | James version of Genesis. Provides KJV text
- | window with parallel window displays of
- | parallel/reference Scriptures, key word
- | dictionary & comments. Includes provision for
- | user-added comments. Concordance/dictionary,
- | reference Scriptures & search capability are
- | provided. User friendly w/ on-screen prompts
- | & HELP window. Req. 1 MB on HD & 512 KB RAM.
- | Shareware ($50)/H. Daily. Revision C.
- GENESIS1.ZIP [0] Text of Genesis 1 in Hebrew and English, with
- | interlinear translations and Strong's
- | numbers. Requires Windows 3.1, since this is
- | a Windows .HLP file, and requires a Hebrew
- | font installed under Windows.
- GKJOHN.ZIP [0] The Book of John from the New Testament in
- | (unaccented) Greek, in Word Perfect 5.1 form.
- GNT01.ZIP [0] Greek New Testament for OnLine Bible, v6(1/2)
- GNT02.ZIP [0] Greek New Testament for OnLine Bible, v6(2/2)
- GOD4RM.ZIP [0] God & Immortality for RATIONAL mind Ancient
- | sages were right, see how does it work from
- | scientific perspective.
- GOD4RM2.ZIP [0] God & immortality for rational mind, how-to.
- GODCONV.ZIP [0] Conversations with God. No JOKE! Messages
- | from our Creator to the people on Earth. Very
- | serious. A blessing to read for people of ALL
- | faiths.
- GODLOVE.ZIP [0] DOES GOD LOVE YOU? - Questions and answers
- | format tract, answers some of the questions
- | that you may have about your salvation. This
- | was written by Harold Camping of Family Radio
- | in Oakland Ca. May be distributed so long as
- | it is not altered in any way.
- GODSLOV.ZIP [0] Does God Love YOU?
- GODSPLAN.ZIP [0] God's plan for your life.
- GOLDBOW.ZIP [0] What does the Rainbow, gold, etc symbolize in
- | the bible?
- GOODRT30.ZIP [0] Good Report v3.0 - A Complete Integrated
- | Church Management Package. Modules include: *
- | MEMBERSHIP DATABASE - with user definable
- | fields * TITHES MODULE - quick & easy tithe
- | entry * SUNDAY SCHOOL - tracks offering and
- | attendance * TRANSACTION MODULE - tracks all
- | church funds, create financial reports on
- | anything, including members tithe and
- | offerings, church funds, vendors, graphs
- GOPRIGHT.ZIP [0] Has the Religious Right placed too much
- | emphasis on abortion and homosexuality? Ralph
- | Reed outlines a broader agenda for religious
- | conservatives to win.
- GOSPEL10.ZIP [0] The Gospel, v1.0.
- GOSPEL21.ZIP [0] GOSPEL PARALLELS-Side by side NT Bible All 4
- | gospels appear on screen side by side for
- | reading, scrolling, word search and studying.
- | Includes notepad, chronological index &
- | instant parallel passage displays. Maps.
- | Version 2.1
- GOSPEL93.ZIP [0] Newest Version of Godspeed's Gospel Demo Has
- | Direct Print Features And A Dod File That
- | Tells "whatsnew" Worlds Fastests Bible Search
- | System.
- GOSPEL94.ZIP [0] KJV gospel version of godspeed. Has direct
- | printing, cross referencing, etc. mostly 1993
- GOSPELS.ZIP [0] King James Version of Gospels.
- GOSPL-WB.ZIP [0] Great New Hypertext Bible Study Software that
- | contains the gospels with full text search,
- | topical index, and table of contents. Works
- | under both DOS and Windows!
- GREATPOT.ZIP [0] Types from 2 Kings 4:38-41. Important study.
- GW12DB01.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12DB02.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12DB03.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12DB04.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12DB05.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12DB06.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12DB07.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12DB08.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12DB09.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12DB10.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Darby Module One of
- | 10 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12WY01.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Weymouths Module One
- | of 3 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12WY02.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Weymouths Module One
- | of 3 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12WY03.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Weymouths Module One
- | of 3 zip files. A Bible research program that
- | runs under Microsoft Windows. Contains entire
- | King James Version, Matthew Henry's Concise
- | Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and
- | a 270 user extensible topic topical index.
- | Supports word with wild cards and phrase
- | searches. Great for anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GW12YG01.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GW12YG02.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GW12YG03.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GW12YG04.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GW12YG05.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GW12YG06.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GW12YG07.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GW12YG08.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GW12YG09.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GW12YG10.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows - Youngs Literal
- | Module One of 10 zip files. A Bible research
- | program that runs under Microsoft Windows.
- | Contains entire King James Version, Matthew
- | Henry's Concise Commentary and Easton's Bible
- | Dictionary, and a 270 user extensible topic
- | topical index. Supports word with wild cards
- | and phrase searches. Great for anyone
- | studying the scriptures.
- GWW1201.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 1/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1202.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 2/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1203.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 3/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1204.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 4/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1205.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 5/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1206.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 6/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1207.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 7/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1208.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 8/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1209.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 9/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1210.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 10/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1211.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 11/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1212.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 12/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1213.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 13/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1214.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 14/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1215.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 15/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1216.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 16/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1217.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 17/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1218.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 18/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1219.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 19/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1220.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 20/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1221.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 21/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1222.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 22/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1223.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 23/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- GWW1224.ZIP [0] God's Word For Windows Version 1.2 24/24 A
- | Bible research program that runs under
- | Microsoft Windows. Contains entire King James
- | Version, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
- | and Easton's Bible Dictionary, and a 270 user
- | extensible topic topical index. Supports word
- | searches with wild cards and phrase searches.
- | This program will make a great addition to
- | the software library of anyone studying the
- | scriptures.
- HBR01.ZIP [0] Hebrew Type 1 and True Type Fonts With Which
- | You can Type in Every Consonant/Vowel/Accent
- | Combination in the Hebrew Bible
- HELLFIRE.ZIP [0] One of the most theologically confused sub-
- | jects in the Bible is that of hell. It has
- | been fumbled by the clergy and distorted by
- | the laity until the word has become best
- | known as a common vulgarism and expletive.
- | Everywhere people are asking the same
- | questions: What and where is hell?
- HIDNEYES.ZIP [0] The fact that so few will be saved is not
- | nearly as shocking as the reason given in the
- | Bible for their loss. It seems obvious that
- | great multitudes will be excluded from heaven
- | even though they professed Christ, worshiped
- | Him regularly, and spend much of their time
- | doing wonderful works in His name.
- HIDNMANA.ZIP [0] Miracle or Myth? Expose of 'loaves & fish'
- HIGHCOST.ZIP [0] The Bible writers struggled to explain, in
- | human language, the mysterious incarnation
- | and atoning death of the Son of God. Often we
- | weep under the power of their inspired
- | testimony. We get glimpses that boggle our
- | minds, but still, we are only scratching the
- | surface of a subject which will continue
- | unfolding for all eternity.
- HOW2BIBL.ZIP [0] Is the Bible contradicting?
- | HEAVENSGATE: An Investigation Of Jesus
- | Christ. Did Jesus do things that man did not
- | suspect? Was He the Ollie North of His time?
- | Details the *not so good* activities Christ
- | was involved in for man's own *good*. ALSO:
- | Were Adam & Eve *really* perfect before the
- | fall? And other thought provoking stuff...
- | Has VGA front and back covers, signed by
- | Author. Runs in Mono w/out covers. Shareware
- HYMNMAST.ZIP [0] Hymnal Master - is a Windows-based tool for
- | planning and designing worship, song, praise,
- | or other services using material from a
- | hymnal and other entered information for the
- | service. This demo version does not support
- | printing.
- HYMNS01.ZIP [0] Hymns created using Musician v1.05.
- IMP-107A.ZIP [0] "Evolution Is Religion, Not Science" by Henry
- | M. Morris. The religious nature of evolution
- | as expressed by leading evolutionists and the
- | scientific irrelevance of evolution.
- | Institute for Creation Research _Impact_
- | article #107
- IMP-184A.ZIP [0] "The Meaning of "Day" in Genesis" by James
- | Stambaugh. Examination of how the word "day"
- | is used in Genesis and throughout the Bible.
- | Concludes day means 24-hour period in Genesis
- | 1. Institute for Creation Research _Impact_
- | article #184
- IMP-188A.ZIP [0] "The Mystery of the Earth's Magnetic Field"
- | by Russell Humphreys, Ph.D. Review of
- | creationist research on the decay of the
- | earth's magnetic field and bearing on the
- | Genesis flood. Institute for Creation
- | Research _Impact_ article #188
- IMP-198A.ZIP [0] Earthquakes In These Last Days / Steve
- | Austin, Impact 198, Dec 89
- IMP-209A.ZIP [0] "Evolution and the Wages of Sin" by John D.
- | Morris. A look at death, sin, evolution, and
- | the Bible. How different, and compatible, are
- | they? Institute for Creation Research
- | _Impact_ article #209
- IMP-220A.ZIP [0] "Columbus and His Creator" by Paul G. Humber.
- | Christopher Columbus's views about the
- | Creator and motivation for finding the New
- | World. Institute for Creation Research
- | _Impact_ article #209
- IMP-221A.ZIP [0] "The Bible, Creation, and Ecology" by Henry
- | M. Morris. The Biblical basis for a Christian
- | approach to ecology. Also critiques
- | environmentalism and pantheism. Institute for
- | Creation Research _Impact_ article #221
- IMP-249A.ZIP [0] "Darwin's Teaching of Women's Inferiority" by
- | Dr. Jerry Bergman. Examination of Darwin's
- | evolutionarily based view of women's
- | inferiority. Institute for Creation Research
- | _Impact_ article #249
- IMP-250A.ZIP [0] When Is A Whale A Whale? / Dr Duane T Gish,
- | Impact 250, April 94
- IMP-251A.ZIP [0] "Star Formation and Genesis 1" by James
- | Stambaugh. Examination of Genesis 1:14-19 an
- | Dr. Hugh Ross' interpretation of these verses
- | and the formation of stars. Institute for
- | Creation Research _Impact_ article #250
- IMP-252A.ZIP [0] "Tree Rings and Biblical Chronology" by Frank
- | Lorey. Using Bristlecone pine tree-rings to
- | date creation and Noah's flood. Institute for
- | Creation Research _Impact_ article #252
- IMP-253A.ZIP [0] "Geocentricity and Creation" by Gerald E.
- | Aardsma. Review of geocentricity,
- | heliocentricity, and Bible. Concludes
- | geocentricity is not taught in the Bible.
- | Institute for Creation Research _Impact_
- | article #253
- IMP-254A.ZIP [0] "Out of Whose Womb Came the Ice?" by Larry
- | Vardiman. An examination of ice core data,
- | temperature changes, & precipitation in
- | support of a world-wide flood & only one Ice
- | Age. Computer stimulations also presented.
- | Includes 2 .PCX files (1 B&W, 1 color)
- | figures. Institute for Creation Research
- | _Impact_ article #254
- IMP-255A.ZIP [0] "A Practical Model for Integrating Science
- | and Faith" by Stephen W. Deckard. How to
- | integrate Science with Faith...and become a
- | better scientist! Includes two .PCX files of
- | figures. Institute for Creation Research
- | _Impact_ article #255
- IMP-256A.ZIP [0] "Gravity" by Don. B. DeYoung, Ph.D. Overview
- | of the nature of gravity and its relation to
- | the Bible. Includes 3 .PCX files of
- | illustrations and table. Institute for
- | Creation Research _Impact_ article #256,
- | October 1994
- IMP_001A.ZIP [0] "Evolution, Creation and the Public Schools"
- | by Dr. Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Why creation
- | should/can be taught in public schools.
- | Institute for Creation Research _Impact_
- | article #001
- IMP_252A.ZIP [0] Tree Rings and Biblical Chronology" by Frank
- | Lorey. Using Bristlecone pine tree-rings to
- | date creation and Noah's flood.
- INGRSAMP.ZIP [0] Sermon notes. Did Jesus' mother think he was
- | mad? An interesting question in the light of
- | scripture. Requires VGA and a MOUSE. Also
- | needs HR-READ.* HyperReader runtime.
- INHEAVEN.ZIP [0] About After Biological Life Happenings
- ISLAM03.ZIP [0] Internet FAQ (answers to frequently asked que
- ISRAEL.ZIP [0] From Genesis to Acts, using maps, pictures, a
- ISRAEL20.ZIP [0] ISRAEL/LAND OF PROMISE-History w/ maps A tour
- | through the Old Testament and history of
- | Israel using maps, graphics and text.
- ISSUNDAY.ZIP [0] One of the greatest favors God can bestow
- | upon us is to give a knowledge of His Word.
- | And the most presumptuous thing anybody can
- | do is to pray for an understanding of God's
- | will and then refuse to obey, for any reason
- | whatsoever, when the answer comes.
- JCULTR10.ZIP [0] Internet FAQ: jewish culture 10/93 ver
- JEHWIT34.ZIP [0] Factual History about Charles T. Russell and
- | the beginnings of the Watch Tower Bible And
- | Tract Society of Pennsylvania new religion,
- | whose present day followers are better known
- | as Jehovah's Witnesses.
- JESUSTRI.ZIP [0] The illegal trial of Jesus Christ
- JESUS_.ZIP [0] A Great Christian Arcade Game With Vga And
- | Soundblaster Support.
- JIVAKA.ZIP [0] A Critique of Kapleau's "To Cherish All Life"
- | (Bruce Burrill). A critique of Kapleau's
- | argument that the Buddha was vegetarian.
- JN7_52.ZIP [0] John 7:52 discussion on translations
- JS0504X.ZIP [0] What is a Christian? Text File
- JUDAI03.ZIP [0] Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked qns.)
- | about Judaism
- JUDAI09.ZIP [0] FAQ - sources of reading on Judaism
- JUDEAHLP.ZIP [0] Explorers Kit: Adventures In Judaism
- JUKAI-T.ZIP [0] Teisho: Jukai - A Refuge & A Home (Tarrant)
- JW_BIBLE.ZIP [0] Analysis of the translation of the "BIBLE" by
- | the Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society Of
- | Pennsylvania - whose followers are better
- | known as Jehovah's Witnesses.
- KBIBLE.ZIP [0] KBible starts you reading the bible in
- | confort of your own home and using your
- | computer! View verses that are related to the
- | topic you wish to read! Read the ENTIRE bible
- | online and learn. Get ALL disks to run!
- KBIBLE2A.ZIP [0] KBible starts you reading the bible in
- | confort of your own home and using your
- | computer! View verses that are related to the
- | topic you wish to read! Read the ENTIRE bible
- | online and learn. Get ALL disks to run!
- KBIBLE2B.ZIP [0] KBible starts you reading the bible in
- | confort of your own home and using your
- | computer! View verses that are related to the
- | topic you wish to read! Read the ENTIRE bible
- | online and learn. Get ALL disks to run!
- KBIBLE2C.ZIP [0] KBible starts you reading the bible in
- | confort of your own home and using your
- | computer! View verses that are related to the
- | topic you wish to read! Read the ENTIRE bible
- | online and learn. Get ALL disks to run!
- KBIBLE2D.ZIP [0] KBible starts you reading the bible in
- | confort of your own home and using your
- | computer! View verses that are related to the
- | topic you wish to read! Read the ENTIRE bible
- | online and learn. Get ALL disks to run!
- KEEPERS.ZIP [0] Keepers of the Flame: An original Christian
- | poem.
- | in easy reading Electronic book format
- | Version 5.1. Both Old and New Testaments are
- | included. This version runs on any MS-DOS
- | system and is SHAREWARE. Spread the good
- | word. (part 1 of 5)
- | in easy reading Electronic book format
- | Version 5.1. Both Old and New Testaments are
- | included. This version runs on any MS-DOS
- | system and is SHAREWARE. Spread the good
- | word. (part 2 of 5)
- | in easy reading Electronic book format
- | Version 5.1. Both Old and New Testaments are
- | included. This version runs on any MS-DOS
- | system and is SHAREWARE. Spread the good
- | word. (part 3 of 5)
- | in easy reading Electronic book format
- | Version 5.1. Both Old and New Testaments are
- | included. This version runs on any MS-DOS
- | system and is SHAREWARE. Spread the good
- | word. (part 4 of 5)
- | in easy reading Electronic book format
- | Version 5.1. Both Old and New Testaments are
- | included. This version runs on any MS-DOS
- | system and is SHAREWARE. Spread the good
- | word. (part 5 of 5)
- KJV-PREF.ZIP [0] No Preface in your King James Bible? This VGA
- | tract contains the ORIGINAL Preface to the
- | 1611 Version of the Bible and a thesis by
- | Edgar J. Goodspeed outlining why the
- | publishers should include it when they print
- | the KJV.
- KJV.ZIP [0] Is the King James Bible valid for the '90s?
- KJV110.ZIP [0] KJVocabulary 1.10 King James Bible quiz Is
- | the King James Version full of hard archaic
- | words? Through a quiz interface learn the
- | meaning of all those tough Bible words, like
- | "concupiscence", "anon", "wist", "besom" and
- | "untoward". Also features a handy dictionary,
- | and printouts. An enjoyable way to increase
- | one's knowledge of the Bible.
- KJVNASV.ZIP [0] "A Comparison of the NASV with the KJV"
- | Compares many verses of the New American
- | Standard Bible with the King James Version
- | Bible. Read for yourself and be surprised at
- | the absolute perversion and the total
- | disregard for the Word of God found in the
- | NASV. This is a must-read for any honest
- | professing Christian who wants all sides of
- | the Bible version controversy. Please
- | distribute this
- KJVNT152.ZIP [0] New Testament for Windows v1.52 -The program
- | features the complete New Testament of the
- | King James Bible in an intuitive, easy-to-
- | use interface. Included is a powerful text
- | search, color maps, timeline, personal notes
- | linked to the corresponding Scripture,
- | tutorial, context-sensitive help, and study-
- | aids with topical hypertext links to events,
- | parables and miracles in the life of Christ.
- | Rocky Mountain Laboratories.
- KJVOC103.ZIP [0] Dictionary/quiz of tough Bible terms, v1.03.
- KORAN.ZIP [0] The Koran for viewing in Word for Windows
- | 6.0. No text was changed and paragraphs have
- | been preserved as much as possible.
- KYVD20.ZIP [0] KNOW YOUR VERSES v2.0 FOR DOS 3.31+ - - Menu
- | driven, mouse supported program for
- | memorizing Bible verses. Can be used with any
- | Bible version since data files are controlled
- | by the user and are easily edited. Can
- | display the Verse Reference or Scripture as
- | the question. Very nice! DODDger Software
- | BBS: (817) 431-3557